Learning about Cheerful Giving!!
I have been in the 501C3 world for 10+ years and have been blessed to see many types of givers. Of course, everyone remembers the big financial giver each year. We are all very blessed to have them attend and support our efforts. But as it says in GOD’s word:
Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD your God which He has given you. – Deuteronomy 16:17
We each have something that is plentiful to be able to donate to a cause you feel led to support. Someone very close to me shared his insight on giving. It was easy to write a check and send that in. I felt like I was doing something without much effort. When I started to give of my time and financially, was when I understood the “Cheerful Giving Part”. I saw, felt, touched & supported in different ways and I received a greater blessing then those I sought to benefit. What I heard him say was “No longer was I going to sit on the sidelines anymore but getting involved benefited the receiver of the gift and the giver”.
Now some of you might be saying that is all well and good but what does it look like? Great question and I will try to share some ideas, but you should also seek your heart and understand what you can bring to the table in support & see how it can be shared/given?
Acts of Service
We usually think of donating money as being generous, but you and your family can serve together in many ways which are completely free. All it will cost you is your time. The feelings and values you will be instilling in your family will be priceless.
You can:
- Serve the hungry at a food bank or by distributing food at a soup kitchen for the homeless.
- Help a local charity by serving to help set up fundraising events or clean up after them.
- Offer to help the neighbor mow her yard, or give a friend a ride home from school.
- Volunteer to help and serve within your church.
- Visiting the elderly is a wonderful way to show you care to someone who may not have family close.
- There are so many ways you can serve your family, friends, church, neighbors, and community.
Donate Something
You can donate your kids’ outgrown clothes and shoes to children who are younger than yours. This is also a great way to recycle and be resourceful with the things we own.
Resale shops or charities that serve women and children and the needy are always accepting donations of books, appliances, clothing, furniture, and other household items. You will be directly helping these people through your generous donations.
There are special ways you can donate to worthy causes throughout the year, especially at Christmas. Lots of charities and organizations organize delivery of Christmas gifts to children in families who will not be receiving any gifts at all, and you can find special collection drives for needed items. Some of the drives for needy families and children are for:
- Toy drives
- Warm winter coats
- School supplies
- Backpacks for school
Watching your children gain first-hand experience with the impact of their giving will be a treasured family bonding experience you’ll remember forever.
They’ll be able to see how incredibly blessed they are, and how important it is to be a generous and cheerful giver who blesses others.
Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7
Acts of Kindness
Random acts of kindness are an easy and fun way to help spread a giving spirit throughout your family, community, and the world!
You can:
- Pay the clerk at the coffee store for the next person who walks up to the counter.
- Bring cookies to the volunteer firefighters in your community.
- Give someone a hug that needs one.
- Have your children draw or color pictures to take to the hospitals and nursing homes to brighten someone’s day.
- Write a handwritten thank-you card to let someone know how much they mean to you.
- Have older kids mentor younger kids in the schools or clubs.
- Bring someone a bouquet of fresh flowers from your yard.
The possibilities are endless! Have fun with this! It all starts with one small act of kindness, and that act of kindness ripples out in an endless sea of acts of kindness. So, don’t let your checkbook be what rules your choice to give or not to give. You can give your time, serve, donate, help, encourage, teach, and smile. Be creative and come up with more fun and thoughtful ways to be generous as an individual or family.
Blair Thomas
Care & Mercy Foundation
Founder & CEO